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stay up to date with the "DIB"
The DANTES Information Bulletin, also known as the "DIB", is a place for education counselors and others to find in-depth information on DANTES education programs. The newsletter also provides details on program resources and upcoming events. Check it out today!

June DIB: Contingency Area Education Support Program - Supporting Deployed Service Members 


The June 2024 Information Bulletin highlights the Contingency Area Education Support Program, which aids deployed service members in USCENTCOM and USAFRICOM with access to education services, including counseling, testing, and courses. The bulletin also features upcoming CLEP webinars for earning college credits and emphasizes preparation steps for service members before deployment.



May DIB: Experience Matters: How Education Services Officers (ESOs) can help Servicemembers Use Their Skills to Boost Academic Success

In this month's newsletter, the May 2024 DIB focuses on the Military Training Evaluation Program (MTEP). This issue provides valuable insights for counselors, highlighting how they can support servicemembers in translating their military training and experience into academic credits



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