Graduate Sooner with CLEP Exams

The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) offers you the opportunity to earn college credit for what you already know by taking any of the 30+ introductory-level college subject exams offered by College Board. CLEP exams test your knowledge level gained through previous experiences and your military training. CLEP exams are comparable to final undergraduate college course exams. Taking and passing these exams can enable test examinees to gain college credit* that can be applied to meet their degree requirements.

DANTES funds CLEP exam fees for eligible examinees and these exams could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars towards a degree, not to mention the time savings compared to 8-12 weeks in a classroom or online. Multiple exams are available, covering material commonly required for most degree programs. These exams can be taken at on-base and community National/International Test Centers and can be proctored remotely.
Visit the CLEP Military page for more account information. 
*College credit recommendations for these exams are made through the American Council on Education (ACE) and are subject to the acceptance of individual academic institutions.
Program Eligibility
Service Members: All "actively-serving" members of the U.S. Military Services, including the National Guard, Reserve components, Coast Guard, and Coast Guard Reserve members must have and maintain a valid government-issued Common Access Card (CAC) to be eligible for DANTES funding.

U.S. Coast Guard Spouses: Spouses of active duty and Coast Guard Reserve members must have and maintain the Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card, DD Form 1173 to be eligible for DANTES funding.

Air Force Civil Service Employees: Non-contract Air Force civilian employees are eligible for DANTES-sponsored CLEP testing, but must test at on-base or at fully-funded test centers.

Personnel not funded by DANTES include the following:
► Inactive Guard, Inactive Reserve, and Coast Guard Auxiliary
► Military Retirees
► Separated/Discharged Veterans
► DoD Acquisition Workforce Personnel
► Spouses, Dependents, and Civil Service employees of active duty Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force
► Spouses, Dependents, and Civil Service employees of National Guard and Reserve components
► Employees of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve
Student Benefits
► Earn college credit for your prior knowledge and training
► Reduce course completion time; the average exam takes only a few hours vs. 8-15 weeks in-classroom or online
► Decrease time to complete your degree; reduces the number of courses taken to complete your degree
► Save money; DANTES funds one attempt per exam title for eligible examinees
► Avoid tuition assistance (TA) costs for courses replaced by credit earned through testing
► Find your exam scores on your military transcript, also known as the Joint Services Transcript (JST) or Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
► Get FREE test prep and study materials provided online, via mobile apps, and at installation libraries and education centers
► Know your score instantly for most exams
Find a Test Center
There are two types of test centers:
► Fully-Funded: Test centers may be located on or off base. DANTES funds the administration and test fees for service members.
► Test Fee Only: Test centers are off-base colleges and universities that provide testing. DANTES funds the test fee. Service members are responsible for paying the administration fee. Fees vary by institution.

To find a national or international CLEP Test Center near you, visit
Remote Testing
Did you know that College Board offers test takers the option to take a CLEP exam with remote proctoring? Each CLEP exam taken with remote proctoring has the same timing, content, format, and on-screen experience as the test you would take at a CLEP test center. You will be proctored remotely by a human proctor. 
Basically, all you need are three things: a computer (no tablets or Apple computers, please), an approved testing environment, and a reliable internet connection. Learn more! 
You can also watch this video below to get started. This is Part 1 of a 6-part series available on the DANTES YouTube channel. 
Exam Subjects
MyCAA 4 Spouses
ELIGIBLE MILITARY SPOUSES of active-duty members and spouses of National Guard and Reserve on Title 10 orders in pay grades of E-1 through E-9, W-1 through W-3 and O-1 through O-3 are able to take CLEP exams under the My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship program.  MyCAA provides up to $4,000 for college, certificates, certifications, and now credit-by-examinations. 
Are you eligible? Visit MyCAA to learn more. 
myCAA flyer with benefits
Prep for Your Exam

(click above to hear his education testimonial)

Modern States

Modern States Education Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to making a high quality college education free of cost and accessible to any person who wants one. College Board and Modern States have partnered to help service members prepare for a successful testing experience. Visit their website for more information.

Speak with an Education Counselor
Your first step when considering a CLEP exam is to contact a Services' Education Counselor to determine if the exam you want to take will meet your degree requirements and if your college will accept this type of credit. 

Free College Board CLEP Study Material
Upon registration for your exam, DANTES-funded examinees will receive a free eGuide. Create a
My CLEP account to begin. eGuides are also available without registering for an exam.
Fees & Retesting
For eligible test examinees, DANTES provides upfront funding of CLEP test fees for the first attempt on all exam titles.

Retests are not funded by DANTES. If military test takers want to retake an exam, previously funded by DANTES, a three-month wait and self-payment of the current exam fee and administrative fees are required of the examinee by the test center. ​ Those members who retest should use the "public/civilian" test registration procedures to pay for their test costs.

Attention U.S. Air Force and Space Force Service Members:

1. If your CLEP or DSST exam is missing from your CCAF record or you need help locating your test scores, please contact your base education center’s CCAF Advisor. They can check for your test scores in the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) system.

2. If the scores are not found in AFVEC, your advisor should submit a Student Action Request (SAR) in the Air Force Education Management System (AFEMS) under the “Missing CLEP/DSST” category.

3. If your scores cannot be located in either AFVEC or AFEMS,
email for additional assistance.
Your Transcripts
Scores for all DANTES-funded CLEP exams are automatically reported to the Joint Services Transcript (JST). Air Force scores are also reported to the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), AFAEMS, and the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) website.
A no-cost score report is delivered to two institutions of choice, if designated during online registration using the institution(s)’ four-digit institution code(s).
Service members can also pay for a consolidated transcript that includes CLEP and DSST exams using the Parchment online transcript ordering service.
FY24 Pass Rates
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Email and we will respond promptly.