Resolve Your School Concerns

The Department of Defense maintains the Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS) that provides military students the opportunity to file complaints against a school. Examples of education-related issues may include, but are not limited to, misrepresentation or deceptive actions with regard to private or institutional loans, high-pressure recruitment tactics, false representations about degree programs, and misleading statements regarding accreditation.
PECS will track, manage, and process student complaints at one of three levels, depending on the user assigned to manage the grievance. Students using federal education benefits and programs will be able to register their complaint online. The system electronically records information about the educational institution, nature of the issue/complaint, and the complainant’s contact information. The agencies cited in the Executive Order (Departments of Defense, Education, Justice, Veterans Affairs, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) will be responsible for tracking, managing, and providing a response to student complaints.

Visit PECS website to get started.